

A recent report from S&P Global Market Intelligence noted that large banks had more exposure to CRE loan risk than had been publicly perceived.

This has been a recognition building over time. In November 2023, it looked as though small banks were increasing their number of CRE loans while large banks turned more cautious. And all the statistics and monitoring metrics seemed to show that the biggest concentration of CRE loans was among small and regional banks.

But by mid-May this year, clearly something wasn’t adding up. Distress levels jumped while the extend-and-pretend practice of lenders continued. That certainly included large ones when the distress rate increase “was significantly affected by one large loan which impacted the segment distress rate in a fairly dramatic fashion,” according to CRED iQ. That magnitude of transaction is not one within the capacity of a small bank.

May also brought realization that banks have additional invisible exposure to CRE debt. A paper from researchers at the NYU Stern School of Business; Georgia Institute of Technology – Scheller College of Business; and Frankfurt School of Finance, CEPR argued that extensions of credit lines to nonbank financial intermediaries (NBFIs), with REITs being a prime example, provided the potential for extensive backchannel exposure. Additionally, they said this less obvious relationship means larger banks face more risk from CRE than is generally assumed.

In June, the Federal Reserve announced that its annual stress tests showed the largest US banks to have sufficient capital to withstand severe economic and market turmoil. That supposedly included any potential shock that a significant drop in commercial real estate values could deliver.

But in a highly unusual move, JPMorgan Chase released a commentary on the Fed’s review and, specifically, the central bank’s projections for Other Comprehensive Income, or OCI. The CFA Institute explains that a bank’s OCI statement is “where valuation changes of interest rate risk-sensitive debt instruments are reported.” Many investors don’t regularly monitor such information. More generally in accounting, OCI includes unrealized gains and losses.

As JPMorgan wrote, “Based on the Firm’s own assessment, the benefit in OCI appears to be too large. Should the Firm’s analysis be correct, the resulting stress losses would be modestly higher than those disclosed by the Federal Reserve. “

In June, the question arose of whether bond credit ratings were as trustworthy as investors had thought. The history of the Global Financial Crisis should remind of how questionable ratings can lead to financial disaster.

Recently, plummeting property values in transactions raised questions of whether borrowers illegally manipulated financials and property valuations to gain loans. Details from the S&P Global report pointed to the weakest point for large banks: loans on nonowner-occupied properties.

Delinquencies and net charge-offs used to be higher on owner-occupied CRE properties, but that switched in recent years. Nonowner-occupied property loan performance worsened in 2023. Large banks — those with $100 billion or more in assets — saw nonowner-occupied loans hit a delinquency rate of 4.41% by March 31, 2024. The rate for owner-occupied properties was 0.98%. The net charge-off rate was 1.13%.

S&P Global put together a collection of the top 25 banks by highest concentrations of loans on nonowner-occupied CRE properties. The median metrics were 23.6% of total loans and leases were CRE. That ranged from 2.9% (Goldman Sachs) to 52.1% (Provident Financial Services).

Nonowner-occupied percentages of the CRE loans were 76.4%. That ran from 69.1% (JPMorgan Chase) to 97.9% (Morgan Stanley). And the median delinquency percentage and net-charge off percentage were respectively 0.97% and 0.07%. The former ranged from 0.06% (Ameris Bancorp) to 8.55% (Goldman Sachs). The latter, from -0.01% (Valley National Bancorp and United Bankshares) to 7.88% (CIBC Bancorp).


Source:  GlobeSt.

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A lot of discussion in business and economic circles is around whether 2024 will bring a soft landing or some degree of recession. The optimists have been out in force for some time and are expecting a Federal Reserve rate cut as soon as the first quarter of next year.

But there are still those who think a recession could happen and that victory is far from clear. If that proves to be true, Yale School of Management’s Professor of Finance and Management Andrew Metrick says to prepare for some serious trouble for commercial real estate and the banks that hold the loans.

“Historically, for every one percentage point increase in the policy rate from the Fed, banks take 1% hits to their capital over the next eight quarters,” Metrick said in an interview with Yale Insights. From the zero-interest rate to the current baseline federal funds rate range of 5.25% to 5.50% has been a large and rapid leap. “If banks lose 5% of their capital, there are going to be a lot of banks in trouble.”

“If we manage to avoid a recession and get a soft landing, the banks will recover,” Metrick says. “Past commercial real estate downturns have been slow moving things,” he explained. “We spent 10 years after the global financial crisis working out a whole lot of problems.”

At issue is the deep intertwining of banks and commercial real estate. As Metrick notes, the banking system holds about $3 trillion in CRE loans on their book sheets, $2 trillion of which is held outside the largest 25 financial institutions. To date, the loans have performed because their interest rates have been low. Refinancing is drastically changing that.

If a soft landing skips and slides into a recession, the processing of CRE loans would kick into high gear because banks don’t typically sell them on as they do with residential mortgages. Under a 2016 change in accounting standards called Current Expected Capital Losses (CECL), “banks are supposed to take seriously what they think the probability is of something paying off in the future, even if it’s current,” Metrick says.

His “nightmare scenario” starts with banks as yet having to provision adequately for potential losses. In a recession, banks are even more reluctant to lend into commercial real estate than they have been. Many loans don’t get refinanced, and some bank somewhere becomes the “Silicon Valley Bank of commercial real estate” that suddenly fails. Congress investigates and finds that the bank not only failed to have reserved enough, but also didn’t warn shareholders.

“That next quarter, every accountant in the world is going to tell their banks, ‘I’m not going to be the one blamed if you fail.’ They’re going to get very tough on CECL, and what looked like a slow-moving downturn suddenly crystallizes as an expected value disaster that everybody has to put in their balance sheets at the same time,” Metrick says.

Many banks, maybe hundreds, now become insolvent, creating a wave of closures not seen since the very worst of the Global Financial Crisis.

“Not to leave you super scared, but you should be a little scared because I’m a little scared,” he says.


Source:  GlobeSt.


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Commercial real estate professionals agreed in the Fall of 2022 that 2023 would have a healthy serving of uncertainty, with falling transaction volumes leading to a lack of price discovery and rising interest rates putting pressure on financing.

Still, people thought that by the second quarter of 2023, things would be getting back to normal. No one had a clue how long inflation would hang in, how high interest rates would go, and how much macroeconomic trouble there would be with banks being closed, many lenders pulling back, falling valuations, the ongoing impact of higher interest rates, major strikes by unions, political division, and more.

CRE pros are being much more careful and circumspect now.

As Jeff Klotz, founder and CEO of The Klotz Group of Companies, says, “The only certainty we’ve added is that it’s more uncertain.”

Welcome to the future. Here’s what industry insiders are thinking might happen this year in key areas.


With all other problems, discovery of many types is maybe the biggest, because it holds important answers, if only that discovery gets to happen.

“For the next 12 months, the theme will be a discovery of the result of all the mistakes made over the last several years,” Klotz says. On the transaction level, he thinks that “the divide between buyer and seller is larger and wider today,” and “it hasn’t shrunk as we had expected at this time last year,” Klotz says. His company buys, sells, owns, operates, consults, borrows, lends, and develops with 12 different wholly owned subsidiaries.

Klotz gets excited over the potential for buying “some discounted and cheap real estate.” His big worry is his own portfolio.

“Let’s face it, I can’t control the market. I can’t control what it’s worth because the market does that.”


Going hand-in-hand with a lack of price discovery is the opacity and potential over-valuation of private real estate values.

“The public REIT markets have already priced in the impact of higher debt caps and are trading at the 6% cap rate,” says Uma Moriarity, senior investment strategist and global ESG lead for CenterSquare. “For core private real estate funds, we look at the NCREIF ODCE Index. The valuation across those funds is still close to a 4.2% cap rate. If you don’t have transactions, you don’t have comps and you don’t have the right data feed appraisers need. In terms of the 4.2 cap rate, those ODCE funds are doing transactions in the 5% cap range. We think the public REITs are on the slightly cheap side of fair because the private market is still overpriced.”

According to research from CenterSquare Investment Management, REITs historically outperform private real estate and equities in the periods of time after rate hiking cycles end. If the Fed does stop the upward march of its rate hiking cycle, 2024 could see REIT outperformance.


If there is any single number that is a meaningful metric for the industry, it’s the federal funds rate, the benchmark interest set by the Federal Reserve, with its enormous impact on financing costs.

“I think you could argue very convincingly that the 30-year bull run is over,” Nancy Lashine, managing partner of Park Madison Partners, says. “I don’t think I’m ever going to see a 2% Treasury rate again. I don’t think we’ll ever see a 3% or 4% mortgage rate again. You could argue there’s no good deal. There’s plenty of capital but no good deal.”


“I would say we’ve enjoyed cheap money for a very long time, but it’s led us to a lot of pricing perhaps that was reliant on that cheap financing,” says Tess Gruenstein, senior vice president, acquisitions and portfolio management, real estate at Bailard. “When it goes away, things shift. We’re back to a more normalized environment and people won’t do deals because they’re optimized for leverage.”

That means a lot of real estate — and not just office — is going to be underwater.

“We have a lot of groups coming to us because we raise private equity capital. The best thing anybody can say to us is we have no legacy assets,” says Lashine. “If you were in this business over the last 15 years and you heard someone say, ‘I sold everything in 2005, 2006, and 2007,’ not only is he a good operator, but he has good timing. That was the best story anyone could tell and you’re going to hear those stories again.”


“This is kind of a doom and gloom moment,” says Stephen Bittel, chairman and CEO of Terranova Corporation. “The real challenge is that, whether they admit it or not, most banks are pretty much out of the lending business. There are a handful that will continue to dip their toes in the water for best customers with good equity and balance sheets.”

Many banks are worried about depositors seeing some assets, whether long-term Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities, or CRE-backed loans, as suspect, as happened with bank closings in 2023. Depositors pulled their money. For the first time, bank deposits contracted, by 4.8%, in the first half of 2023. Banks are worried that CRE loan values could drop in the face of falling property valuations, cutting asset values and making it harder to cover further worried withdrawals.

“If the small and mid-sized banks stop lending, which they effectively have — they’re pushing deals with high rates — businesses will shrink and cause a recession,” Bittel adds. “Banks are nervous about the future because it’s uncertain.”


Adam Fishkind, a member of law firm Dykema Gossett, says his “loan origination practice has definitely fallen off a cliff” — not just with banks, but other sources. “When I do borrower representation, I don’t see a lot of CMBS deals coming through these days.

“A lot of that has been replaced by private equity lending” with “the overall loan transaction is more akin to hard money lending.” Rates are higher and generally include points on the front and back ends, with larger spreads, shorter terms, and higher interest rate floors.


“Our expectations is that we’re not going to see an early improvement in 2024,” says David Cocanougher, president of multifamily at Leon Multifamily, part of Leon Capital Group. “I think there’s a tendency to want to be optimistic, but the longer this continues, the more down to earth everybody becomes.”


Ongoing data from multiple sources have shown that defaults, workouts, and special servicing are all on the rise, especially for office.

“We’re seeing some large office product defaults in the CMBS special servicing stuff that I do,” says Fishkind. “A lot of these buildings, they have a couple of major tenants that have left. If you have an A property and a great location, you probably still have a pretty good asset. But if you have suburban office or older office, you might have trouble again. It’s one of those opportunities where people are probably reducing space and putting the money in their pocket because they’re nervous about the possible recession, or they’re reducing space and going to a better environment.”



“There are more distressed situations and transactions happening because of the way projects were structured because of floating rate debt or even pressure from equity partners to get a faster exit,” Cocanougher says.


“A lot of people say things because they want to move the market,” Jason Aster, vice president at KBA Lease Services, says. “The truth of the matter is my business exclusively relies on tenants taking office, but other than highly liquid companies poised to take advantage of distress, I don’t see anyone jumping in to invest in office assets, or any commercial assets.” has previously reported signs of a secret distress market — increased bank CRE charge-offs and higher levels of distressed CRE loans — largely being handled privately and that has not broken out into a fully obvious run on distressed properties.

“What you’re seeing in leases is a focus on how a landlord or owner could apportion reinvestment,” Cocanougher adds. “What you’re seeing in leases are ways for the landlord to take back space originally designed for tenants, but then” charge back the costs or possibly even the lost rents. “While super high quality, trophy office assets will be fully booked and retain their value, landlords will hand the keys of distressed assets back to the lenders at a greater frequency in 2024. This will be particularly prevalent in the older Class A and Class B office product in dense cities like NYC and San Francisco.”

Klotz refers to the current distressed market as “private” and “embarrassing.” No one wants to talk about it publicly because they don’t want to draw attention to having made a mistake and losing money. Or, on the other hand, they don’t want others to realize that they bought some distressed properties and got a good deal. And the data lags because these events are in real time.

But it’s also attractive. “If you’re a core buyer, you can look around and say, ‘Would I take a 7% interest rate on a core investment?’ I think so,” Gruenstein says. “If you have a long-term perspective and patient capital, it’s very easy to make a case that now is the time to be out in the market, picking up some of these great pieces of real estate.”

Many with capital in their back pockets may still be waiting, though.

“I think there’s possibly a lot of equity being kept out,” says Tere Blanca, chairman and CEO of Blanca Commercial Real Estate. “It’s eroding if you had any, with values being hit as much as they have been. You wake up to higher interest rates and to much higher costs of operating your property and values are getting impacted. It’s a difficult time to navigate.”


“We’re still being patient, for sure, especially when it comes to investing in hard assets,” says Matt Windisch, executive vice president at Kennedy Wilson, which bought PacWest’s CRE loan portfolio for $2.4 billion back in June. “We continue to think that the construction lending space is extremely interesting. We have committed capital partners to fund an expansion.”


While consumer spending has appeared to continue strongly, it may not be all it seems. When the Census Bureau reports on consumer spending, it doesn’t take price differences into account. In other words, these are nominal and not real changes in spending behavior. To top it, the changes in spending are to only a 90% confidence interval that generally includes zero, so there is no way to tell if there’s been an actual change.

“I think part of why the pickup in transaction volumes didn’t happen this year is the Fed kept raising rates,” says Moriarty.

The translation from monetary strategy to the rest of the economy isn’t working as it has in the past.

Moriarty says she’s seen a rolling recession across the economy, but that it hasn’t hit the consumer. “That lasted a lot longer than any of us anticipated,” she says. “If you listen to what we saw from a lot of the consumer-oriented earnings this past earnings season, listening to what the hospitality REITs were telling you or the apartment REITs were telling you, you were seeing a pullback from the consumers.”

Credit card debt is at an all-time high and credit card and auto loan delinquencies are on the rise.

“The other new big thing to watch relates to student debt payments coming back online,” she adds “It seems difficult with the lack of credit availability overall to see that level of tightening without an impact.”

Consumers had built-up liquidity from Covid, but estimates, including from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, suggest that is likely gone. Not what you want to see when you’re hoping to avoid a recession, but consumer spending is 68% of GDP.


Source:  GlobeSt.